About Us



Our company was founded in 1996 by Jose H. Mejia, a process server in good standing since 1986.  We have been very successful in the service of process for all types of legal process. Working with the most prestigious law firms in South Florida, we have earned our reputation as loyal and reliable, all being accomplished with the highest integrity and professionalism.

Our company files statewide and offers service Nationwide. International service (Hague Convention only). We have process servers who are experienced, highly skilled, trained and licensed, but moreover extremely versed in the process serving field.  Our company is persistent in obtaining true and accurate service, circumventing “avoiders”.

We make it easy for you to keep track of the progress of the jobs we are doing for you in real time.  We have the latest technology, a web-based system that is user friendly, which gives hands-on access to the law firms who use our services.   Our Process Servers update our system from the field electronically upon an attempt or completion of service, as it is happening. Upon this update within our system our clients can check status immediately on our web site. If service was completed, our system can also automatically notify via email.  All subpoenas, summons, complaints, server notes and signed return/affidavit of service are scanned into our system, which are always available to our client no matter what time of day.  That’s right 24/7 service!

Below you will find your username & password which will allow to view details on sample cases (status, documents, affidavits, etc…) You can access our system by logging into www.MiamiProcessServer.com. Please note our system is case sensitive, make sure the login and password are all in lower case.

USERNAME:       test
PASSWORD:      test


For high volume accounts we can also provide regular exports of service status and other information in any format that is required (such as Excel,CSV,Fixed Length,XML, etc.). We appreciate the importance of communication and value your time.

In addition to utilizing advanced real time technology, Jose H. Mejia P.I., Inc. backs up our promise of diligence with persistence and thoroughness. If process cannot be completed on the first attempt we immedidately begin interviewing neighbors and conduct further inquiries as necessary to locate and serve the defendant(s). This standing policy of dedication and commitment results in a very high success rate for service and has made us a leader in the industry since 1986.



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